Screwbiter had a pretty good showing at this past weekend's Monstermania Convention in Cherry Hill, NJ. We had a blast with our table neighbors and the people we met. Many prospects emerged from the events and we look forward to seeing them become manifest. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
They were premiered at the con, but now available in the mask shop are two new pieces. First up, "The Creature From The Black Lagoon" and the alien from the John Carpenter classic "They Live". Both will be produced in limited quantity, so get em quick!
Brand new episodes of Velvet Darkness and Clint Mephisto's Shit Kickin Road Show will return next week on <a href="" target="_blank">Radio Free Satan</a>. I took a week off to get ready for the con, but we're back and they will be as well.
I'll be spending the next week preparing new designs for a return to the Lords of The Left Hand Path series as well. There will be two new pieces available in time for Walpurgisnacht festivities. Stay tuned for more news on those in the future. That's it for now!
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